Invest with us

We have the perfect property for you.

Our mission is to provide you the best return on investment in the area.

Whether you want a guaranteed fixed return each and every month with longer term rentals, or you prefer a higher return with shorter term rentals, we will get the best for you.

The Costa Del Sol is currently booming.  Since COVID the landscape has changed, no longer is it a place just for the retired and sun loving holiday makers.  Now there is a massive market for Digital Nomads, remote workers and EU citizens realising that they can live and work in the sun.  Add to this the rejuvenation in golf across Europe and the Costa Del Sol is perfect.

With 340 days of sun per year, average winter day time temperatures of 16 deg, spring and autumn in the early 20’s and summer low 30’s, it means there is life year round so rentals are not just for July and August.

As a result the property boom is back, with rentals driving up demand, building has started back and as build costs have increased, older properties are looking great value.

We are not into helping you buy dream or show homes.  Our focus is properties that give you a 5-10% annual ROI, that will increase in value as the properties in the area increase.

Of course you could do it yourself and there are some real bargain properties out there that look good and you will be promised they will rent, but because of where they are, the type of building and many other factors, there is a high risk of buying a bad one.

Because we are the people who will be managing your property, we will only consider areas, property types and sizes that we know work financially.  For example we know your returns can be better having 3 x £250k apartments than one £750k villa.

All you need to do is tell us how much you want to invest, the return you want and we will do the rest.  We will give you detailed financial models showing the returns.  Our team include multi – language solicitors and accountants, who will do all the paperwork for you, in some cases you don’t even need to come and visit, but where is the fun with that.  Let us put you up in rental properties that we currently look after and you will see the 5* treatment that we give all our guests.  We may even through in a free round of golf.

Check out our current list of apartments to see what can be achieved.